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期刊標題檢索 APPL THERM ENG 最新評論: I submitted my article on December 6th, and it has been with the edit... (2024-12-20)

期刊名稱:   ISSN:   主題領域:   影響因子範圍: -
索引:   類別:   開放訪問:   排序方式:

期刊總數: 2530 for【Initial: S】

首頁    上一頁    235    236    237    238    239    240    241    下一頁    末頁  (頁
2807-8225Semarang State University Undergraduate Law and Society Review

H-index: 0

CiteScore: 0.00
-Yes15 Weeks275
0204-9880Studia Praehistorica

H-index: 0

CiteScore: 0.00
-Yes12 Weeks319
2709-1325Stress and Brain

H-index: 0

CiteScore: 0.00
-Yes20 Weeks405

H-index: 0

CiteScore: 0.00
-Yes8 Weeks336
2789-3111Sustainable Structures

H-index: 0

CiteScore: 14.20
-Yes10 Weeks546
2829-2820Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dengan Aplikasi

H-index: 0

CiteScore: 0.00
-Yes8 Weeks280
2476-7220syst nmh `lm w fnwry

H-index: 0

CiteScore: 0.00
-Yes12 Weeks296

H-index: 0

CiteScore: 0.00
-Yes12 Weeks256
Stroke Vascular and Interventional Neurology

H-index: 0

CiteScore: 0.00
-Yes15 Weeks645
Substantia Jurnal IlmuIlmu Ushuluddin

H-index: 0

CiteScore: 0.00
-Yes16 Weeks287
首頁    上一頁    235    236    237    238    239    240    241    下一頁    末頁  (頁

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